News - Rupert Kogler


Natürliche Nähe Kalender 2023

Wednesday, 21 September 2022

Der Natürliche Nähe Kalender 2023 zeigt wieder ausschließlich Fotografien aus den Auen rund um Linz, die im Zuge meines Projektes Natürliche Nähe entstanden sind, und kann ab sofort vorbestellt werden. Der Kauf unterstützt mit € 3,00 pro Exemplar die Arbeit der Stadtgruppe Linz des Naturschutzbundes Oberösterreich und fließt direkt in den Schutz der oberösterreichischen Auen. Der 14-seitige Kalender wird auf 250g Papier im DIN A3 Format gedruckt und kostet per Stück € 25,00 (exklusive etwaigem Versand).

Natürliche Nähe Kalender 2023

Natürlich gibt es auch heuer wieder eine vollständige Online-Vorschau.

Alle zwölf Monatsmotive im Überblick.

Bei Interesse einfach ein E-Mail an schicken oder unter ++43 (0) 650 - 444 0 224 anrufen. Weitersagen natürlich erwünscht, danke!

Nature Photographer of the Year 2022

Friday, 16 December 2022

With great pleasure I would like to announce, that my image "Sound of Colors", showing a lovely wheatear in front of some spectacular montane conditions, was awarded as the runner-up in the birds category of this year's Nature Photographer of the Year. Check out some more details here and make sure to have a look at the collection of all the awarded works selected out of around 21,000 submissions from 96 countries.

Nature Photographer of the Year 2022

I was lucky enough to experience this mesmerizing scene while I was out looking for alpine ibexes.

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Gettin' ready for something new - New galleries

Friday, 16 December 2022

Right before 2023 is finally ready to take off and right before I will publish a so long over-due major update of my main galleries and project galleries, I'd like to invite you all to take a look at five more temporary hidden galleries, which contain lots of images, that finally won't make it to this website. You will find quite a mix of moments I captured in 2021 and 2022 in different parts of Austria while I was working on particular projects or while I was just out enjoying nature. More exactly these five galleries are the Liquids Souls 2021/22 gallery, the Limestone Alps 2022 gallery, the High Tauern 2022 gallery, the Alm Valley 2021/22 gallery and, last but not least, the Medley 2021/22 gallery.


These gorgeous red fox cubs donated me some super exciting memories.

Unforgettable days as we camped as a family right below some long-eared owls.

Some liverleaf and me enjoying the setting spring sun close to my home.

An image taken in the course of my Liquid Souls project.

Some delights of early summer in the Limestone Alps National Park.

I spent some pretty exciting moments with this rutting red deer bull hiding in the super high grass somewhere in Upper Austria's Alm Valley.

A heartwarming scenery, I witnessed in the Obersulzbach Valley wilderness area (IUCN category I) in the heart of the High Tauern National Park.

Gentle slopes, some first snow and a little spotlight up in the High Tauern mountains.

Even black colored birds, like this alpine chough light up in colors, as soon as they are hit by some harsh backlight. Again, taken in the High Tauern National Park.

Of course, I deeply hope you liked this last mixed up set of temporary galleries and you will check back here soon, for the main galleries update. Cheers.​

If you want to receive a short e-mail notification every time I post any news in my blog on this website, just drop me a line to and I will put you on my mailing list. And of course I will remove you from the list anytime you want me to.

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